Communication Sciences and Disorders Post-Baccalaureate Program
Switch Your Focus to CSD
Are you interested in graduate school or in becoming a licensed speech-language pathologist, but you did not get your undergraduate degree in speech-language pathology? We are here to help! We offer post-baccalaureate courses for you to obtain the credits you need in order to apply for graduate school. We offer 12 different undergraduate courses in an online learning format to post-baccalaureate students.
All courses require departmental permission prior to enrollment.
Important note: If you are enrolling as a Post-Baccalaureate or Second-Degree Student, you must wait to submit course permission requests or enroll in courses until after you have met with the post-baccalaureate advisor and charted out your undergraduate course plan. Failure to do so may affect your enrollment options, delay your start date, and result in additional fees.
Important Dates:
If you are considering applying to the post-baccalaureate program, we strongly advise you to apply 3-6 months prior to the semester in which you would like to begin your program or classes.
- For Fall term, the priority deadline is March 1, but we continue to accept applications until August 1. There is no guarantee you will be accepted and be eligible to enroll in fall semester after March 1.
- For Summer term, priority deadline is the last week of May. There is no guarantee you will be accepted and be eligible to enroll in summer classes after the last week of May.
- For Spring term, the priority deadline is November 1, but we continue to accept applications until January 1. There is no guarantee you will be accepted and be eligible to enroll in classes for spring semester after November 1.
If your goal is to become a speech-language pathologist, you are required to earn a master’s degree in communication sciences and disorders. If you hold a degree in another field or did not get your undergraduate degree in speech-language pathology, the post-baccalaureate program is for you.
- All courses are online.
- All courses are asynchronous.
- Undergrad Fee Per Credit: $429.00.
This is a flat-rate per-credit fee. Because courses are online, location does not affect the per-credit fee. - What do courses look like?
- Our online CSD post-baccalaureate classes are asynchronous on the CANVAS platform.
- Classes consist of short screencasts, PowerPoints, group and individual projects/assignments, quizzes, discussions, and the final, though each class will vary a bit.
- This program is part-time. Students are encouraged to take only two classes per semester.
- The post-baccalaureate courses can be sequenced in a variety of ways; however, we encourage students to consider family, work, and other personal responsibilities when enrolling in courses.
- Enrolling in two courses per semester works well for most students.
- The recommended total number of hours to allot for a three-credit course is at least 12 hours per week.
- If you are working while taking these courses, you can expect to complete the undergraduate coursework in about 11/2 to 2 years.
- These are undergraduate-level courses. You will need to apply for admission to UW-Eau Claire as an undergraduate, second-degree seeking student.
- Departmental permission is required for each course. Once admitted, you will need to follow the process found in the How to request permission to register for CSD online courses section at the bottom of this page. It is the student’s responsibility to request permissions early enough to be able to register before courses close.
- There is no guarantee of admission to a UW-Eau Claire graduate program after completion of your undergraduate coursework.
- Strong performance and successful completion of our undergraduate coursework will help you present a stronger application to graduate programs.
- Important Timeline Information:
While we continue to accept applications through the dates below, please be aware that classes fill very quickly. If you are considering applying to the post-baccalaureate program, we strongly
advise you to apply 3-6 months prior to the semester in which you would like to begin your program or classes.- For Fall term, the priority deadline is March 1, but we continue to accept applications until August 1.
- For Summer term, we accept applications until the last week in May. No priority deadline.
- For Spring term, the priority deadline is November 1, but we continue to accept applications until January 1.
- As an online second degree/post-baccalaureate student at UW-Eau Claire, you will get to know UW-Eau Claire instructors and they will know your academic strengths and potential for success. Strong letters of recommendation from your professors are essential for admission to our, and any other, graduate program.
- The post-baccalaureate program offers you a chance to start over. Some of our graduate students graduated from college 5, 10, 15, or more years ago. Starting a second degree/post-baccalaureate program starts a new GPA. Admissions committees will still look at all of your GPAs, but a contrast in academic performance may demonstrate that you are ready for the challenge.
- Post-baccalaureate/second-degree students are assigned a faculty advisor just like all other UW-Eau Claire students who take classes on campus.
- Post-baccalaureate degree-seeking students are given priority-seating and priority permission to register for classes early during the registration period.
The 38 minimum credits must include college-level courses in each of the five core areas below:
- CSD 256 - Anatomy & Physiology of the Speech Mechanism (4 credits)
- CSD 257 - Language Development (3 credits)
- CSD 262 – Phonetics: Theory and Application (3 credits)
- CSD 353 - Speech and Hearing Science (3 credits)
- CSD 373 - Basic Audiology (3 credits)
- CSD 321 - Aural Rehabilitation (3 credits)
- CSD 326 - Voice and Resonance Disorders (3 credits)
- CSD 331 - Child Language Disorders (4 credits)
- CSD 358 - Speech Sound Disorders (3 credits)
- CSD 370 - Clinical Procedures (3 credits)
- CSD 440 - Neurological Aspects (3 credits)
Additional coursework required for the Graduate Program:
- CSD 378 - Sign Language (3 credits) or CSD 101 - American Sign Language (ASL)
Optional Course:
- CSD 150 – Intro to CSD
Other coursework required by ASHA for certification as an SLP:
Note: These courses can be taken before or after admission to a graduate program.
- Biology (Animal or Human)
- Physics or Chemistry
- Statistics
- Social Sciences and Behavioral Sciences (Educational psychology, Psychology, Child development, Social science)
Additional Information:
- If you are seeking admission to the graduate program at UW-Eau Claire, a minimum of 30 credits of prerequisite coursework is needed. Required courses that make up the prerequisites for the UW-Eau Claire graduate program total 38 credits. Although only 30 credits are required for admission to the graduate program, if not completed prior to entry into the graduate program, the remaining courses must be taken during graduate school.
- If you are completing the second-degree in CSD, a minimum of 30 credits beyond your first degree are required, with at least 23 of those credits completed at UW-Eau Claire. Most students will end up doing all 38 credits; only those with transferrable CSD coursework may complete fewer than the 38 credits to meet the requirements for the second degree. You must also show evidence of, or complete a course, to meet the university Design for Diversity requirement.
- Equivalent courses earned from accredited colleges or universities that offer baccalaureate-level degrees in speech pathology may also be accepted. In most cases, credits earned through an SLPA program do not qualify.
- Appropriate disorders courses cover content in both assessment and intervention.
- Please refer to the online course catalog for course descriptions and offerings.
- Choose Courses from the left-hand column.
- Select Communication Sciences and Disorders from the drop-down menu options.
- A list of courses, prerequisites, and course descriptions will display.
- Tuition and rates:
- Tuition is $429.00 per credit.
- Tuition is charged as a flat-rate per-credit fee.
- Because courses are online, location does not affect the per-credit fee.
- Costs for required textbooks and other required course materials/supplies
(varies from course-to-course). - Technology, including reliable internet access, is necessary for online coursework.
- To be eligible for financial aid, students admitted in Post-Baccalaureate / Second Undergraduate Degree Student status must be enrolled in at least
6 credits in any given term (Spring, Summer, Fall). - Students admitted in Special (non-degree seeking) Undergraduate Student status are not eligible for financial aid.
- If you are concerned about the cost of pursuing post-baccalaureate courses, please contact our financial aid office to explore your funding options.
Important Information and Dates:
- While we continue to accept applications through the dates below, please be aware that classes fill very quickly.
- If you are considering applying to the post-baccalaureate program, we strongly advise you to apply 3-6 months prior to the semester in which you would like to begin your program or classes.
- For Fall term, the priority deadline is March 1, but we continue to accept applications until August 1. There is no guarantee you will be accepted and be eligible to enroll in fall semester after March 1.
- For Summer term, priority deadline is the last week of May. There is no guarantee you will be accepted and be eligible to enroll in summer classes after the last week of May.
- For Spring term, the priority deadline is November 1, but we continue to accept applications until January 1. There is no guarantee you will be accepted and be eligible to enroll in classes for spring semester after November 1.
First, Determine Your Student-Status
Read through the options below to determine which best describes you (Post-Baccalaureate or Second-Degree student OR Special Non-Degree seeking student) then follow the directions on how to apply.
Important note: If you have any questions about which option is right for you, please email Ms. Megan Figg, post-baccalaureate coordinator at She is happy to help you find the correct option for you. This is very important. If you apply incorrectly, it may significantly delay your start date.
Post-Baccalaureate or Second-Degree Student
Select this option if this describes you:
- You intend to take all or most of the online post-baccalaureate courses.
- You would like the option to earn a second bachelor's degree while completing the post-baccalaureate leveling courses.
Note: In some states, the second degree may help you qualify to work as an SLP Assistant.You are eligible to apply for financial aid if enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits each semester (Fall, Spring, Summer).
How to Apply as a Post-Baccalaureate or Second-Degree Student:
- Go to Begin Your Journey - Apply Online Today.
- If you have never attended a University of Wisconsin school, follow the instructions to create your account.
- Click on the red START APPLICATION button near the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
- Read the information on the next screen, then click CONTINUE.
- For the next series of questions, select the following:
- Are you applying as a degree seeking student?
Select Yes. - Are you a US Citizen?
Select the appropriate answer and follow-up questions. - Have you graduated from high school/secondary school or earned your GED/HSED yet?
Select Yes. - Do you have any college/post-secondary experience?
Select I have earned or will earn a bachelor’s degree or higher before I enroll. - Are you returning to the UW system campus that you attended before as a degree seeking student?
Select the appropriate answer and any follow up questions. - Are you looking to earn a Bachelor’s Degree or a Graduate Degree?
Select Bachelor’s Degree.
- Are you applying as a degree seeking student?
- A screen will appear: You are a Transfer/2nd Degree Applicant. Click CONTINUE.
- On the Where do you want to go? screen, select University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire from the Select Campus drop down menu. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. Click SAVE AND CONTINUE.
- On the Choose Your Major/Program screen, use the drop-down menu on the What do you want to study…? bar to scroll and select Communication Sciences and Disorders,
then click on the Communication Sciences and Disorders red-highlighted bar that appears. Click SAVE AND CONTINUE.
Note: All Post-Baccalaureate courses are online, even though the application defaults to
In-Person for the selection. - On the When would you like to start school? screen, use the drop-down list to select the term you would like to start your program. Click SAVE AND CONTINUE.
- Review the choices you have made. If all of your choices look correct, click NEXT.
- Complete the rest of the application.
Note: Post-baccalaureate admission does not require an essay. Please enter the following: Post-baccalaureate program does not require an essay for admission.
Important Notes on Post-Baccalaureate or Second-Degree Student Admission Status:
- After you are accepted to the program, the post-baccalaureate advisor will contact you to set up an orientation and discuss your program and instruct you on how to register for classes.
- After submitting your application, you will receive additional information regarding payment of the required application fee and how to submit official transcripts from each college and university you have attended.
- Within a day or two you will receive an email from UW-Eau Claire with your UW-Eau Claire username and Campus ID (different from your application username and password) on how to activate your 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 Student Account.
Note: Be sure to check your Junk mail/SPAM if this does not arrive in your Inbox.
Special (Non-Degree Seeking) Undergraduate Student
Select this option if this describes you:
- You do not already have a degree, and/or are not seeking a full post-baccalaureate plan.
- You may need to take only one or two courses with us for other educational, leveling, or career purposes.
- Note: Special Students are automatically waitlisted for courses and are offered seating options after post-baccalaureate, degree-seeking, and graduate students are seated.
How to Apply as a Special (non-degree seeking) Undergraduate Student:
- Go to Begin Your Journey - Apply Online Today.
- If you have never attended a University of Wisconsin school, follow the instructions to create your account.
- Click on the red START APPLICATION button near the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
- Read the information on the next screen, then click CONTINUE.
- For the next series of questions, select the following:
- Are you applying as a degree seeking student?
Select No. - Are you a US Citizen?
Select the appropriate answer and follow-up questions. - Have you graduated from high school/secondary school or earned your GED/HSED yet?
Select Yes. - Do you plan to take undergraduate or graduate classes?
Select Undergraduate.
- Are you applying as a degree seeking student?
- A screen will appear: You are an Undergraduate Non-Degree Applicant. Click Continue.
- On the Where do you want to go? screen, select University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire from the Select Campus drop down menu. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. Click SAVE AND CONTINUE.
- On the Choose Your Major/Program screen, select Special Taking Undergraduate Classes - Eau Claire Campus. Click SAVE AND CONTINUE.
- On the When would you like to start school? screen, use the drop-down list to select the term you would like to start your program. Click SAVE AND CONTINUE.
- Review the choices you have made. If all of your choices look correct, click NEXT.
- Complete the rest of the application.
Note: Post-baccalaureate admission does not require an essay. Please enter the following: Post-baccalaureate program does not require an essay for admission.
Important Notes on Special (non-degree seeking) Undergraduate Student Admission Status:
- Within a day or two you will receive an email from UW-Eau Claire with your UW-Eau Claire username and Campus ID (different from your application username and password) on how to activate your UW-Eau Claire Student Account.
Note: Be sure to check your Junk mail/SPAM if this does not arrive in your Inbox. - Special students are not required to submit official transcripts from previous schools.
- Departmental permission to register for specific CSD Post-baccalaureate courses is given first to UW-Eau Claire graduate students, then to our post-baccalaureate students. Permissions for special students to register are given the lowest priority.
- All class enrollments are permission-based. To request permission for a class, please follow the instructions in the How to Request Permission to Register for CSD Online Courses section.
All courses require departmental permission prior to enrollment.
Important note: If you are enrolling as a Post-Baccalaureate or Second-Degree Student, you must wait to submit course permission requests or enroll in courses until after you have met with the post-baccalaureate advisor and charted out your undergraduate course plan. Failure to do so may affect your enrollment options, delay your start date, and result in additional fees.
- After you have met with the post-baccalaureate advisor and are ready to request course permission, submit an eForm request using this eForm link Electronic form (eForm).
- Fill in the required information as completely as possible to avoid questions and delays in permission assignment.
- UW-Eau Claire login is required to access the form.
Important Dates
- Submit requests for registration permission for summer classes no earlier than February 1.
- Submit requests for registration permission for fall classes no earlier than April 1.
- Submit requests for registration permission for spring classes no earlier than November 1.
Important Notes
- Do not submit your form more than once.
- Permission forms submitted prior to the above dates will be rejected and you will be required to re-submit permission for courses.
- Permission to register is determined by the CSD department. You will be notified when permission has been entered into the CampS registration system.
- Permission decisions are considered based on the following first-come-first-served order of priority:
- Priority 1: UW-Eau Claire graduate students who need to complete certain undergraduate courses.
- Priority 2: Students currently enrolled at UW-Eau Claire as post-baccalaureate students
- Priority 3: Newly admitted post-baccalaureate students registering for their first semester in the program.
- Priority 4: Special/Non-degree students if space remains.
Students need to access the Campus Bookstore. The bookstore has a textbook list with ordering instructions. Our undergrad books are rentals and the students just need to pay shipping.
Tests are not proctored; however, in some classes you can only log into your quizzes once and you may have a specific time limit to complete the test or quiz.
We understand life can be hectic and situations can change. For this reason, our program allows flexibility if you need to take time off. Students can skip semesters if necessary; however, if you skip two major semesters in a row (example: Spring/Fall), you will need to re-apply for admission to the program.
No; an associate degree does not qualify the same as a bachelor degree.
No; there is no guarantee of admission to a UW-Eau Claire graduate program after completion of your undergraduate coursework. Post-baccalaureate courses are prerequisites required as part of an application to a graduate program.
Refund of credit fees due to withdrawal from class will follow the UW-Eau Claire refund policy. Please refer to Refund Policy.
The Communication Sciences & Disorders graduate program at UW‐Eau Claire prepares students for licensure in the state of Wisconsin. Students are responsible for obtaining information about licensure in any other state.
SARA stands for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement. The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is a SARA-approved institution.
- The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) is an agreement among member states, districts and territories that establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs. It is intended to make it easier for students to take online courses offered by postsecondary institutions based in another state. Although CA and MA are not SARA-approved states at this time, UW-Eau Claire may currently accept students from these states as well.
- SARA does not provide reciprocity for state professional licensing requirements. Academic programs and individual graduates must meet standards set by that state’s licensure requirements in order for a graduate to be eligible for a license. If you are considering an online academic program that leads to a professional license, it is highly recommended you contact the appropriate licensing agency in the state where you plan to apply for your license before beginning your academic program. The SARA provision for this requirement can be found in the SARA Manual.