Communication Sciences and Disorders Faculty and Staff
Building Lifelong Relationships
In the CSD Department, our faculty and staff are educators and mentors. We work closely with our undergraduate and graduate students to provide them with evidence-based teaching approaches and clinical experiences. We are passionate about the profession of speech-language pathology and share that passion with each of our students.

239 Water Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Abby Hemmerich is a professor in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Prior to coming to UW-Eau Claire, she practiced clinically in acute care, rehabilitation, and outpatient speech-language pathology settings. Her main area of academic and clinical expertise is voice disorders.

239 Water Street
Eau Claire, WI 54702

239 Water Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Dr. Charlotte Clark joined our department in the fall of 2019. She completed her master’s degree in 2013 and her doctoral degree in 2018 in applied language and speech sciences at the University of Louisiana, Lafayette. She practiced as a school-based speech-language pathologist in Chattanooga, TN, serving preschool to high school age populations. Her research interests include child language and literacy, social interaction, and qualitative research methods. She teaches classes in typical language development and child language assessment.

239 Water St.
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Ms. Shannon Collins, Clinical Professor, Undergraduate CSD Faculty Advisor and Speech Language Pathology Assistant Coordinator joined our department in the fall of 2001. She completed her baccalaureate degree at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls in Secondary Education-Communication Disorders and her master’s degree at Washington State University in Speech and Hearing Sciences. Before joining the department, she worked as a public-school speech-language pathologist in the states of Washington and Texas and as a classroom teacher for a program in Michigan in which all students utilized augmentative and alternative communication systems. She is the faculty advisor for both the residential and online undergraduate CSD students and coordinator of 澳门葡京网赌送彩金’s Speech Language Pathology Assistant Certificate program. She teaches courses in introduction to the major, clinical seminar, and an interdisciplinary course for freshmen. Areas of interest include speech and language development and intervention for school aged children. She is also the adviser for our local chapter of National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA).

Clinical instructor and Post-Baccalaureate Advisor

239 Water Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Abby Hemmerich is a professor in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Prior to coming to UW-Eau Claire, she practiced clinically in acute care, rehabilitation, and outpatient speech-language pathology settings. Her main area of academic and clinical expertise is voice disorders.

239 Water Street
Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004
Dr. Jerry Hoepner is a Professor and Speech-Language Pathologist specializing in adult neurogenics and counseling. He teaches undergraduate course in Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism and Neurological Aspects of Communication and Cognition. He teaches graduate coursework in Counseling for Speech-Language Pathologists, Dysphagia (swallowing disorders), and Acquired Cognitive Disorders (i.e., traumatic brain injuries, cognitive-communication disorders following stroke, dementias). His clinical and research work addresses cognitive-communication disorders and counseling.

Becca Jarzynski, PhD, CCC-SLP is a pediatric speech-language pathologist and an Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department. Her clinical and research interests include culturally responsive assessment and intervention, early intervention, language assessment and intervention, and Autism Spectrum Disorders. She teaches in the areas of early intervention, child language disorders, cultural and linguistic diversity, and research methods.